About Show

The R.I.O.T. Podcast aka "Righteous Invasion of Truth" is a fun-loving upbeat weekly Christian Podcast. This powerful Podcast will boost your day and spiritual growth with relevant conversations on today’s hot topics. We also have practical discussions on “how-to” topics, as well as concrete wisdom on how to see the news from Gods eyes and how to answer Faith's hardest questions.

Hosted by Pastor Pete and Bob from Orlando, FL. Which is affectionately called "City Beautiful" by people who know and love it. Every Thursday we release an episode that speaks to people who are looking for a word of encouragement, love to laugh, and want to be encouraged in their faith and walk with Christ. Our topics are wide ranging, it really depends on what is happening in the world. We bring a fresh, relevant outlook on things in the news. We will answer hard topic questions that are relevant to our faith such as, "If God is such a good God why does he allow hurricanes to kill people, or a terrorist, etc.?" Our guests are business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, artists, Pastors, musicians and unique characters we know or happen to run into. Most often these are people in love with Jesus and have a story to tell. No matter what or who we are recording, we want you to feel like you're hanging out with friends and taking part in a community of unique and interesting people.

We take the Show on the Road:

At the heart of the RIOT Podcast is a desire to see God’s children grow closer to Jesus. Pete and Bob love to take their show on the road and minister on locations around the world. They connect very well with a live audience and will leave lasting impressions. Their love for Jesus and people will immediately be felt as they navigate through topics chosen by the Pastor of the Church or organization. After every message, we give an invitation for people to come to know Jesus. The gentleman will come and minister anywhere they’re invited for the purpose of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ at NO COST.

Know God

You were created to know God in a personal way—to have a relationship with Him, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

I tried church before, but it didn’t work for me.

What did you try? Did you go to a church? Did you read the Bible? Did you ask Christ into your life? Did you trust in what Jesus claimed? Did you examine the claims of

There are too many hypocrites in the church. Why should I become a Christian?

This excuse is often offered by those who want to continue to live in darkness. They do not want to be brought into the light of Jesus Christ. Jesus does not say, “Follow the church

How can a loving God send people to Hell?

God doesn’t send anyone to Hell. It was never His design to send people to Hell. It breaks the heart of God to see people, made in His image, make the deliberate choice to go

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