The Fallout of Favoritism Genesis 27 | RIOT Podcast

About this Episode

The Fallout of Favoritism Genesis 27 is the topic that will be discussed today on RIOT Podcast, a Christian Discipleship Podcast.

Last week, on "Breaking Free from Lying: God's Covenant," we explored how Isaac lied to King Abimelech out of fear, following his father’s example. We delved into the nature of lying and provided valuable advice on breaking free from deceit. Additionally, we examined the significance of God’s covenants. It was a powerful episode, and we highly recommend listening to it if you missed it.

This week, we shift our focus to Genesis 27, where Isaac, now old and blind, witnesses his family falling apart. Why is there internal family conflict despite God's blessing on Isaac's life? We will explore how the family substituted scheming for believing. We'll unpack Isaac's role and examine each family member's contributions to the problem or solution.

Join us for an insightful discussion and let's start by reading Genesis 27:1-4.

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